We have our Family Home Evenings on thursdays because Cave Man has school on mondays. So tonight Quintin was in charge and he wanted to talk about being healthy, I really have no idea why he picked this topic. He told us a story, that he made up, about three little ants that didn't have any food. Then they prayed and Jesus gave them healthy food and three drops of water, they ate it, and then Jesus told them that they needed to eat healthy and exercise. In the end we were told if we eat healthy we will be healthy. He had three activities for us to do, first we had to write down our favorite healthy foods, then we played a game of guess what healthy food you are holding, and then we did one of my exercise videos. We all had a blast, and Quintin was so pleased to be in charge. In his testimony he said he knew the church was true, and that Jesus was real, and then he thanked his audience. I had to hold back my burst of laughter- He is such an awesome BOY! Chad and Quintin exercising....