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Showing posts from October, 2010


This boy just melts my heart - - First thing in the morning, he always comes to find me with a smile on his face and says,"Mom I awake". - Then he needs help to go potty, as he sits on the potty he looks up and says, "I love you, much", with a big yawn. - He loves hugs and kisses. - He can throw a tantrum like pro. - He loves. - He is not good at sharing. -He is stubborn. - He looks up to his big brother. - He never gives up. - I feel his preciuos spirit, it fits his body perfectly. - He is strong. - I am so thankful he is mine, for a time, and then on through eternity.

Major Update

So much has been going on- We had a super fun filled summer with: -Lots of camping -Huge Zollinger Family Reunion, bummed that I didn't get a lot of pictures :( -Lots of extra little ones running around my house -Preparing for our first official year of homeschool -Taking care of my lovely veggie garden -Treking with the youth in my stake -and so much more...................... Needless to say we have been busy, and I have not really had the desire to blog during all of the craziness of summer- but now that fall is setting in and things seem like they are slowing down (I am sure that is really just wishful thinking on my part :) maybe I will be able to get in a few more updates here and there! Some pics of our summer adventures-