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Today for our family home evening we are talking about gratitude and blessings. So last night I was going over in my head all of the wonderful things that I have been blessed with in my life, some times I get so caught up in life that I forget how truly blessed I am. I first thought about Chad and what a wonderful husband he is, I don't think that there is another person in this world that could deal with my craziness at times!

Then I thought about my two beautiful boys, and what wonderful blessings they are in my life. I remembered when I was trying to get pregnant with Quintin and we prayed for two years to have a baby, I was beginning to think that it wasn't going to happen and then out of the blue I ended up pregnant, we were so excited. It then took us four years to get pregnant with Aleck, needless to say I didn't always have the best attitude about waiting that long, it was very frustrating at times, but I really tried to remember who was in charge. When Aleck came along everything fell right in to place, or at least it made sense to me. With Alecks disability and constant doctors appointments I would have never survived with two little ones, and I needed Quintin's maturity at times to lift me up when I fell. Although he was only five when Aleck was born, he at times had the wisdom and faith that I lacked. I remember one night I was putting him to bed and I thought he was asleep, it had been a long day, with lots of doctors appointments for Aleck and I was confused and overwhelmed. I started to cry, and I felt Quintin hug me, he looked up to me with his big beautiful blue eyes and asked why I was crying, and I told him I was sad and scared for Aleck, then Quintin said, "Mom you don't need to be scared you know that Jesus will fix him someday, he will give him blue eyes." (For those who don't know, Aleck was born with a rare visual deformity/impairment called Aniridia and he has no iris, which is the color part of the eye.) I just sat there for a moment and thought to myself is it that simple, and I realized it is. Life isn't easy and we will have challenges, but if we have faith we will receive the blessings we need to endure. Quintin was there for me that night so that I could endure.

I am just so thankful that Quintin was chosen to be here with me and to bless my life. I am also so thankful for a Heavenly Father who knows best, I try not to ever question his timing or intentions. Going through this challenge with Aleck has taught me that, "There are no accidents in Gods plans." I am just so thankful for a loving Heavenly Father, who sent me such special children who continue to bless my life every minute of every day, and continue to remind me of what is important.Who could ask for more!


Kim said…
Thanks for the reminder of what is really important!
Jessica Marie said…
What a beautiful post. Thanks for sharing that.
Anonymous said…
Heather!!! I was so happy to see your blog when I was visiting Natasha's. You boys are so cute! And that post totally made me cry. I can tell you are a great mom.

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