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Showing posts from January, 2009

So Sleepy.......zzzzzzzzz

Aleck eating his yogurt and sleeping at the same time, it made me tired just watching him. I love my days!!!

"SnOW" mUch FuN!!!

On Sunday the snow began falling just as sacrament meeting got out (at church), they were some of the biggest flakes I have ever seen, all the kids were so excited! Quinitin and Aleck were no exception, as soon as church was over they wanted to go out and play in the snow. Luckily it hadn't stopped snowing and the flakes were still huge, which made it all the more magical. I let Quin and Al go out for a little while at church while we waited for Chaddy to get out of his meeting, and then we headed home and got all bundled up. The kids had a blast. Quin's favorite thing to do was to throw snowballs at his Dad, he got Chad a few good ones right in the face, Chad never saw it coming! Al was enjoying laying around in the snow and taking in the cold. I love watching my little ones have so much fun! The best is when they come in all cold and want something to make them warm. They are so snuggly.

Grandma's Hands

These beautiful hands have............. played with many dollies, pieced many puzzles, embraced one man's heart, made many blankies, held many babies, wipped many tears, soothed many sick, scrubbed many floors, washed many dishes, and carried many through life. For all the work done, these hands continue to pass on their love. Grandma we love you!

Three Little Ants

We have our Family Home Evenings on thursdays because Cave Man has school on mondays. So tonight Quintin was in charge and he wanted to talk about being healthy, I really have no idea why he picked this topic. He told us a story, that he made up, about three little ants that didn't have any food. Then they prayed and Jesus gave them healthy food and three drops of water, they ate it, and then Jesus told them that they needed to eat healthy and exercise. In the end we were told if we eat healthy we will be healthy. He had three activities for us to do, first we had to write down our favorite healthy foods, then we played a game of guess what healthy food you are holding, and then we did one of my exercise videos. We all had a blast, and Quintin was so pleased to be in charge. In his testimony he said he knew the church was true, and that Jesus was real, and then he thanked his audience. I had to hold back my burst of laughter- He is such an awesome BOY! Chad and Quintin exercising....


When I was younger that is how I remembered how to spell Wednesday, and it was always my favorite day of the week. When I was in Elementary school it meant that half of the week was over, that was always super exciting! Then in Jr. High it meant that I had Young Womens Activities, which I just loved. In Highschool, it was just that much closer to the weekend....... I still just love Wednesdays, it now means that Cave Man (Chad), only has one day left to work, and then he is all mine, for three days!!!

Flower? and Poop.

Quintin came up and asked me to write my name, then he wanted me to write it in another language, which meant cursive. Then he wanted me to write it in Chinese, which I tried to fake. The last and final request was to write my name in flower? I then asked what that was, then he showed me Chad's name written in all the different requests, including flower. So I did my best and then he graded us on our writing, Chad ended up getting the better grade, and he earned the most stickers. Chad also did Quintin's name for him. I had to hold in my smile, he was so serious while asking me to do this, once he left the room I couldn't help but giggle, he is so funny sometimes. Love you Quinny! >>>>>>>>> Now for Aleck's poop. After dinner Aleck was upset because he wanted his "Dada" and he had to go do some side work. So I said to Aleck, "Do you want to take a bath!" Which he then said, "Eh, eh" and shook his head yes. Now i...

It's never too late, is it?

We got the tree's all decorated, this is the kids tree, with there new ornaments for this year. We started out the months celebrations with QUINTIN'S 7th BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! He was very excited to turn seven, the only time he wishes he were six again is when he has to go to a quiet time for seven minutes instead of six. We are so thankful for Quintin though and the wonderful person he is, what a special spirit he has and we are so blessed to have him in our family. He is our BIG BOY! Our annual Flint (Aunt Fae) Christmas Party, with a pinata! Christmas with the Knight's Christmas morning at our house. Alecks favorite was his bristle blocks and he still just loves them, it is the only toy he wants to play with. Quintin got the BIG Indiana Jones Lego, he was super excited! If you can see Chad on the bottom, he was also very excited to get NHL 2009 for the Wii (thank you Cori!). I got the book Emma which I just loved! We tried something new this year to try to help us focus m...