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It's never too late, is it?

We got the tree's all decorated, this is the kids tree, with there new ornaments for this year.

We started out the months celebrations with QUINTIN'S 7th BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!
He was very excited to turn seven, the only time he wishes he were six again is when he has to go to a quiet time for seven minutes instead of six. We are so thankful for Quintin though and the wonderful person he is, what a special spirit he has and we are so blessed to have him in our family. He is our BIG BOY!
Our annual Flint (Aunt Fae) Christmas Party, with a pinata!

Christmas with the Knight's

Christmas morning at our house. Alecks favorite was his bristle blocks and he still just loves them, it is the only toy he wants to play with. Quintin got the BIG Indiana Jones Lego, he was super excited! If you can see Chad on the bottom, he was also very excited to get NHL 2009 for the Wii (thank you Cori!). I got the book Emma which I just loved! We tried something new this year to try to help us focus more on our Savior and his birth. We only got the kids three presents each, one from Mom, one from Dad and one from Santa, then their stockings. We still got our traditional new Christmas book, pj's and new Christmas outfit. The feeling this year was so wonderful, we were so much more relaxed and I could feel the spirit in our home so much stronger. In past years it has just seemed so overwhelming. Thank you soooooo much Tash for your idea, support and example we LOVE YOU! Thanks to all who have supported us this Christmas season!

Christmas with the German's. I just love this picture of my Grandma with he sister Beth.

Christmas with the Watson's, we had lots of fun playing BINGO and exchanging gifts!

Through it all Aleck kept us entertained!


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