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Flower? and Poop.

Quintin came up and asked me to write my name, then he wanted me to write it in another language, which meant cursive. Then he wanted me to write it in Chinese, which I tried to fake. The last and final request was to write my name in flower? I then asked what that was, then he showed me Chad's name written in all the different requests, including flower. So I did my best and then he graded us on our writing, Chad ended up getting the better grade, and he earned the most stickers. Chad also did Quintin's name for him. I had to hold in my smile, he was so serious while asking me to do this, once he left the room I couldn't help but giggle, he is so funny sometimes. Love you Quinny!
Now for Aleck's poop. After dinner Aleck was upset because he wanted his "Dada" and he had to go do some side work. So I said to Aleck, "Do you want to take a bath!" Which he then said, "Eh, eh" and shook his head yes. Now if you know Aleck you know he loves being naked and he loves playing in the bath. At this point though I hadn't finished cleaning up dinner so I put him down and told him to wait for a minute. As I was cleaning up I noticed him taking off his shirt which is typical, then he was going for his pants, he usually has a hard time getting them off, so I encouraged him by saying, "if you sit down now you can get them off easier, and your socks". So he then sat and began working on it. I walked off continuing to clean. He then came running into the kitchen naked- NO DIAPER ON- he was carrying it though and tossed it in the garbage and said, "kinky", and plugged his nose with his fingers. Needless to say there was no poop in the diaper it had become a part of the carpet. He also got his socks of and in the hamper, but not before he steped in the poop! No I did not get pictures- sorry, I was too busy running through the hall and bedroom making sure I cleaned up all the poop off the floor. He ended up getting his bath before I cleaned up dinner! Gotta LOVE HIM.


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