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1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.


Tami said…
I loved your manti pageant comment on Kalleen's blog. I don't think she stayed up with us to watch the sunrise. Good Times. I remember sitting in your room talking about boys, cutting hair, and just hanging out. That one summer we hung out with Daniel and that kid from CA, what was his name? Fun to see your blog. We should get together when I come to UT early August.
chu33la said…
I remember sleepovers at your house, "on the trampoline". I think we always ended up inside for one reason or another. I remember making it one full night. we had lots of fun staying up every sleepover talking about boys.
chu33la said…
Ok, I totally remembered a better memory. church basketball against the Spanish speaking ward. they werre swearing up a storm and the referee (your Dad and my uncle) wouldn't call anything because they couldn't be sure. And then you finally had it and chucked the ball at the big girls head. Man, that was great. Totally worth the technical foul, plus the second one that came right after that while you yelled about how stupid the refs were. Good times. We always played with a Christlike love. :0)
Anonymous said…
I remember being proud that there was someone to carry on my legacy as the "lets get physical (literally)Queen of church basketball). I was forced to retire (I think your dad voted/prayed for this many times) and it always brought a tear to my eye, that it was his daughter who took my place and everyone feared on the court! You rock!
Wright's said…
Heather, Thanks for letting me know you have a blog you dork. Wow, so many memories were to begin.
-Doing hair in your bedroom.
-Asking boys out for you in elementry school.
-Doing odd jobs for your mom so I could go to Brighton with you.

One of my favorite memories are when we would have sleepovers at the Ruesch's cabin in Jeremy Ranch. Stying up all night talking and playing games. I remeber eating green M&M's and saying they made us horny? Watching Saved by the Bell in morning.

All these thoughts make me want a good old fashioned sleepover with no kids.

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