This Handsome young man had a very special day today,
he became a member of-
Yes I know, all my friends and family are thinking-
{no way Heather doesn't look old enough to have an eight year old}
and I was thinking the same thing!
But thankfully I do, I have my Quinny, he is such a light in my life-
my heart is so full of love for him, he has been a wonderful example to me
throughout his life.
When we were filling out his baptism spotlight he said to me-
"Mom I just wish everyone in the world would get
baptized they would be so much happier."
Chad and I are blessed to have him as our son and
Aleck is so lucky to have such a great big brother to look up to.
This is a picture of Quintin after his baptism- he was smiling all day!
Quintin I love you 1,2,3,4,5.................................
For more information on
and baptism click here